Seems like a really odd blog title right? Well, I thought so too. The fun part is that it might just become true in future. And like Gary Vee, I want to keep this as a record that I said it first. Yeah, I really love the way Gary keeps referring back to his content to prove that he actually predicted trends way before they actually happened. I came across the concept of Attention Economy from Mel Robbins here - . And I think it is true. We are being traded based on our attention levels by Google, Facebook and other big platforms. There are bidding wars happening among the above platforms. The platforms are expected to work towards gathering people and their attention. There are free and affordable Internet programs run by these same companies across the globe. It's claimed that they are trying to make the world better! Give the power of the Internet to underprivileged a...
Just a blog with the sole objective of making your life simpler with the help of Internet and its amazing capacity to share useful knowledge