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How to overcome Financial problems?

Life just has two main parts in it.

  1. Those parts which we have control on
  2. Those parts, circumstances over which we have no control on
Based on observation, most things happen in a cycle. There are these famous quotes of "History repeats itself" which point towards the cyclic nature of everything.

How to overcome Financial problems?

On that above note, two probable conclusions can be arrived at

  1. We can understand these patterns based on history
  2. We have to account for those sections of our life that are out of our control
We have to take in to consider everything that has happened before we start work on a new task. 
And we have to plan well ahead to face failure before we actually experience it. And when we are in bad times, we have to look forward to good times. 

And yes, things will settle back. Predominantly nature is governed by laws. There is a definite amount of time for the day and for the night. They alternate periodically. 

Treat all your good times as the day. Work for your well-being, take in to account that night is coming and prepare for the worst. And when night eventually comes, face it. 

The biggest problem with people living in this age is their cowardice. Yes, you read it right. We are all cowards and run away from our life problems. We want technology and others to solve our problems. 

We are busy playing the role of a victim. We forget that if things are not going well, we have to face them and solve them. 

We observed at the start of this article as to how we have control over certain things. 
Let's see an example to understand this:
Imagine you invested the majority of your money with a company and it went bankrupt recently. 

Here is what has happened

  1. You lost all of your money
  2. And it is not coming back

Let's analyse the above now

  1. Investing all your savings into one particular entity is never right and highly risky as proved by the above situation.
  2. Now that it is done, there is no point in pondering about the lost money.
  3. There is practically no point in claiming that you are a victim here of the bad management of the company for losing all your money.
  4. Problems, mistakes and faults will happen in life. We do not have control over most of these. And we have to start looking at finding the right solutions in the right time frame. 
  5. Facing problems head-on is one of the virtues we have to learn if we do not have. It is a must. 
The above are some of the conclusions we could observe for the situation presented. 

Now let's take a look at how we can have overcome these financial problems.

1) Do not lose hope

Hope is the single biggest thing in life that will decide your success in life. Hope can help you win a war single-handedly. Presently you might have lost a battle. But the war of life is still on and can be won, my friend. 

2) Be healthy

In olden days the strongest and greatest fighters were chosen to lead the battles. These soldiers built their physical strength and did rigorous training to be fit and flexible in the field. This gave them an extraordinary edge over their unfit enemies. 
A body which is fit and in sync with your mind and heart can be your biggest weapon in defeating your financial or any other problems. 

Just imagine this - if you are unhealthy, would be able to go to your regular work? No right. 
And would that help in solving your problems?
Definitely no. 

With each passing day, you would be under more stress which will, in turn, deteriorate your health further. 

Instead, if you are healthy, you can work your regular job + also take a part-time one.

With time you will earn enough money to overcome the loss. In some cases, you may even make so much that you become financially stable. 

But for this to happen - you need to be healthy. 

And to be healthy - you need to eat good food, have great habits and be focused. 

A healthy body will give good thoughts and a clear, focused mind - the best tool you would need to solve any kind of problem in your life. 

3) Do something great every day for others

I might be sounding really foolish right now. 
One, you are upset about a financial problem. Two, you are worried about how to recover from it. Three, I'm asking you to do something great, every single day! And that too not for yourself but others! 

How dare I?

Am I out of my mind?

Well, not really. 

Just think about this. 
What do you need to do something great every day?

Good thoughts and willingness to help others. 

What will you gain from these?
Goodwill and learnings which, are your investment, for a better future. 

How exactly?

It's easy to explain. By doing good for others, you are gaining acceptance and appreciation from your subconscious brain. This part of the brain will help you get stronger with each good activity. The more good you do, the more confident you will become. The more you work selflessly and for others, the more you will feel good about yourself. 

This good feeling in your subconscious brain will trigger the production of hormones and other chemicals in your body. These new chemicals and hormones will give you confidence and what is famously known as insight or vision. 

Most successful people are visionaries. 

The second point about goodwill is pretty straightforward. Being able to help others is a sure-shot way of getting help in future at the right time. 

Nature & Society provide us with loads of support all through our life. We take these benefits and get habituated to taking but not giving.
See nature & society as a bank account for now. We have with our repeated withdrawals (favours taken) have depleted our goodwill balance with them. 

When we help others, without actually being asked, we are giving back for the first time. 
Just one word of caution here. The help you do should be relevant and for people who really need it. 
This is similar to a deposit. The more goodwill deposits you do, the more your bank balance will be. 

And trust me in times of need, this will come back to you. 
If we really see with our heart and soul, we have plenty of such examples in our society. 

I recently heard of a story of a person who stayed in Ram Nagar, Coimbatore. This person used to make undergarments and sell them on the Sunday market. 
He had made a living by working hard and making himself well known for quality. 
And his business flourished. 

On one particular Sunday market, he noticed a mother and son begging at the stalls. He was moved by seeing their tattered clothes. He decided to help. He worked overtime at nights until the next week, all five days. On the coming Sunday market, he waited for the mother-son to come near his stall and silently gifted them the clothes he made. 
They were moved and offered to pay him. But he refused the money. 

The undergarments merchant did this every time he saw someone in need.
With time his business did become big enough for him to rent a shop and sell clothes on all days. But he did not stop his virtue of giving back. 
He regularly gave food to a beggar on his street. 
And clothes to those who were in need. 

Then came those tough days where the merchant faced loss due to a fire accident and without insurance, he lost his stock. In his panic to save at least some of his material, he jumped right into the fire. 
The beggar who saw this futile attempt of the merchant immediately jumped in and saved his life. 

Still, the merchant was not happy about things. He was worried about what he would do next. 

Was all his effort now gone with the fire? 

Should he start again on the Sunday market? 

But then the strangest of things happened. The once small kid whom this merchant had given clothes, came by his shop the next day. He was now one of the successful e-commerce based textile merchant. He not only gave this merchant enough money to start back his shop but also helped him get online as well. 

His goodwill had just come back 10 times to what he had given. 

That's nature for you. We all might have read - Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. 

But for every act of kindness, there will be 10 times more return when you are in need. 

So, start helping others every day. No matter how tough it gets for you. The merchant had literally spent many sleepless nights just to be able to help others in need. 

What good can you do today?
How can you help others? 
Think about them. Help others when you can and when they are in need. 

4) Save money 

There is this saying from Gandhi Ji.
There is enough for everyone's needs, but not for everyone's greed. 

It is such a timeless statement. 

The other simple way to solve your financial problems or overcome them is by looking at ways to save money. 

There are two ways to do this
  1. Earn more money
  2. Do not spend money on unnecessary things

There are different ways of earning more money. 
Get a part-time job. 
Take classes at home. 
Teach people skills online.
Start a YouTube channel and create high-value content which you can monetize and earn money. 

In fact, there are so many ways you can earn money online that you would be surprised. 
In fact, the search term - Earn money online has over 135,000 searches per month. 
And here is one great article for your reference -

Now coming to the second part. Stop unnecessary expenditure. 

Firstly, make a list of all apps you do not use in your mobile, laptop or desktop. 
Delete them. 

Now start making a list of items in your home which you do not need. 
List them online and sell them. 
Here is a good article - to help you sell things on OLX.

Next, make a list of things you wanted to buy. Decide which can be avoided. Remove them from the buy list.

Next, mark the items that can be bought at a later time and make a monthly saving for them. If you do not have enough savings, then you will have to either earn more money from some other way or sell off more of the unwanted items. 

Next, see the things you must definitely buy and see if you can get a good deal on the second-hand market or a refurbished item online. This way you save a bunch of money + you are getting the product you need. 

Please note, you should buy only the most necessary items and avoid everything else at all costs.

In fact, I would suggest you read the following articles on Minimalism and how it can help save money. 
Trust me, minimalism is one great way to save money and get peace in life. Moreover, you have the added advantage of being a trendy person. 

5) Positivity and honesty

Staying positive at all times is key to success. No matter how things get for you, keep hope, if it's night right now, then the day will come soon. You just have to wait it out.

Staying positive helps in preventing this tough financial phase from extending. 
That does not mean you do not say stupid things and stay positive that somehow miracles will happen and you will be saved. 
And hence, honesty is essential too.

If you are planning to start earning more money to offset a loss, look at small steps. Practical ways. 
You have to achieve more to earn more. And being honest with yourself is the only way you can do better and realistically. 

Well, with that we are at the end. 

I truly wish that these above 5 points help at least person lead a better life and overcome their financial problems. 

May success be with you. 


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