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Mindworms - how to get rid of them?

Let's get to understand what are mind worms. 
Of course, in the fandom world, they the physical mind worms which are a species of ten-centimetre mottled worm and the dominant species on planet Chiron. The Mind Worm is a terrifying creature, able to use powerful psi attacks to paralyze its prey.

Mindworms - how to get rid of them?

That's the fiction part of it. You can read more about it here.

We too have mindworms. These are thoughts which refuse to back down. 
They keep playing in our mind. 

For example, you mistakenly poured hot water on someone's hand. Though you apologized immediately, you are not able to forget it. The scene keeps playing in your mind. 

There are more severe cases. In some cases, you start liking someone without any logical reason. In other cases, you start doing something repeatedly or keep stammering when speaking about something specific. 

In weird cases, people freeze on seeing somethings or someone specific. 

The biggest problem with these mindworms is that they are not something people notice. Most of the people suffering with them find it difficult to point out why such things happen.

And for a while, if you can find out the reason, you get a temporary relaxation. But like a bad habit mindworms return when you are vulnerable or weak. 

When are mindworms created?
Typically, when someone undergoes tough and emotional situations. 

How do they impact on your life? 
There are instances where you lose control of your life. There is a massive impact on the overall efficiency of the person.

How big of a concern are they? 
Depending upon the severity, they can be minor irritations or in some cases problems. 

Are they the reason behind people acting crazy?
When someone gets stuck on another person, that is when the craziness increases. 

How are we supposed to get better?
The easy way to make a line small is by drawing a line longer beside it. 
To get rid of mindworms, you will have to focus on giving your mind better things to do.

There is a simple process to cure yourself of any mindworm
  1. Sit in a calm place
  2. Start observing your thoughts
  3. Try to make a list of your thoughts
  4. Start thinking about all your problems
  5. Make a list of all possible solutions for your problems
  6. Make an action plan to approach your problems head-on
  7. Try to solve your problems the next day
  8. Repeat the process

Mindworms are your brain's way to deal with a never-ending problem. 

Collecting your thoughts is your first success. 

Second, if you can solve your problems that will help with removing most of your mindworms.

Finally, start doing the following activities
  1. Do exercise regularly, let your body sweat
  2. Play a brain game - puzzles, board games, etc.
  3. Learn a new language
  4. Meditate
  5. Eat a balanced diet and food filled with fresh fruits and nuts
  6. Sleep for at least 4 hours every night
  7. Try to be happy every moment in all situation
  8. Avoid tobacco and alcohol
  9. Start practising mental mathematics in your daily life
  10. Start building good habits and routines
  11. Write with your hand on a physical book
  12. Take breaks or me-time
  13. Travel to faraway places

These are a few things, which can help you get better and avoid mindworms. 

Please feel free to comment your thoughts. 


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